gaga saved the day again when we were having solie and today is her birthday. i love this picture of her holding solie for the first time and can't wait for the littlest one to learn to love her gaga as much as my "big kids" do. i honestly don't know what we'd do without gaga. solie judah hilina saida
I am so happy I was able to have a successful vbac and an extremely short labor in the middle of a tropical storm. And exceedingly thankful my mom and sister were there with us to welcome her into the spinning world. We are so happy she has come!
This is a video I took of her in the middle of the night. I love how she looks from her hand to me and back again. Happy accidents. Her dad calls her "the rose of beauty bare" but I think she sort of looks like a turtle. A beautiful little turtle.
Hilina, Saida and Judah have handled all the changes remarkably well. Saida especially has fallen completely in love with her baby sister and Judah hasn't tried to eat her or give her away so we are grateful for small miracles.
we live in brooklyn and are proud parents of two little pancakes from ethiopia, one cubscout, and are expecting a very quiet cricket to join our family in the fall. we like pizza and snow days. we do not like pushy people on the subway or ironing.