Friday, January 9, 2009

christmas in catawaba

this picture was a long time in the making.


two horses in a field or 'a blessing'

walking off into the sunset

gaga and saida (she got dressed in the dark)

meme's barn

20 people crammed into that house.

saida goes country

uncle don and hilina

matt and ivy


Anonymous said...

where to start...That pic of Meme and Judah is sooo awesome. I also really like the pic of Matt and Ivy with the twinkling lights on the tree....what a great father daughter moment.
Don and Hilina...well Don is cute and all...but that little girl is soooo beautiful...she just can't help it.
Well and then there is me and my bff....punky that kid...
when you have time would you mind updating your flicker account..if that's not too much trouble...I want to order some pics for us...and meme would love some too.
okay okay I'm done you guys lots..miss you all love GaGa

Maeba said...

Hi Anna,

I don't know if you remember me... we met in Ethiopia at Mr. Martin's Cozy Place and I have been keeping up with the girls and Judah, the new addition, on your blog. I made him something (and something for the girls) but i have been tearing my house upside-down looking for your address so I can pass it along. I am terrible, i know, these things have just been sitting in my apartment for way too long. I am sorry i am just contacting you now, i was sure i would find your contact info eventually...

I am so happy that you all are doing well. I certainly miss the girls but enjoy seeing new pics and watching them grow.

Please send me your address at I would love to hear from you. Say "Hi" to Ben for me.


(PS Lynnsie is also doing well, we are both desperately trying to apply to medical schools with varying results... i guess we should have taken some of that MCAT studying a little more seriously :) - But there is always next year if it doesn't work out.

Gretchen said...

Hi Anna!
I don't know if you read my blog or not, but I wanted to ask that might take a moment to read my most recent post? You were such a part of my beginning through this journey- it would mean a lot if you would check it out!

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