Friday, February 22, 2008

snowy day

we spent the better part of the morning watching the snow fall out the window - they were mesmerized by it.

hilina, of course, couldn't stop smiling

you could see the wheels in saida's brain turning, trying to figure out what it is and where exactly it's coming from


Anonymous said...

awwww...hooray for snowy days and quiet babies who are mesmerized by them! they're still perfect! love, ash

Amanda said...

you guys got a lot of snow! yippy... its their first snow... they are so adorable!! just love their smiles!
lov, amanda

Beth said...

Y'all are gonna make me cry! They are so amazing. Next snowfall I don't care what I am doing I am coming over and we are taking those pancakes out to make snow angels!

LISA said...

Ohhh, that was so cute!!

Chelsea Bergeron said...

That is So fun!!!