mama's girl
i hate to keep belaboring this point, but last year at beach week we had NO kids. the picture on the right of us in blue? that was a year ago. do we look older? more sleep deprived? more responsible?
the whole family
guess who preferred sand to water?
ben keeps taking these birds eye view shots of me and judah, but i swear we're not always laying down
lesson on how to use a baby to conceal your muffin top
we joke about hilina being a daddy's girl but he just eats it up!
attack of the hungry seagulls
saida's first time putting her feet in the ocean! she loved it and eventually kept running into the water every time we set her down.
view from the porch
Wow! It's incredible how much can happen in a year's time. Personally I think you both look so much more content....
Gorgeous photos of you and yours!
WOW! Gorgeous pictures... looks like a beautiful place! And yeah... I'd say you look wiser, for sure! ;-) You have quickly blossomed into a beautiful family!
Anna, it was so completely awesome seeing you again and FINALLY meeting your amazing kids. They are completely charming, so forgive me for saying that maybe the sleep deprivation and stress is worth it. And what great pictures! I hope to be so lucky!
gosh. hilina's corn rows make her look like a little girl! wow. hope you guys are well.
I love your family. Any time you want Lucas and Tyler and I to bring you guys over dinner and play let us know... we don't live too far away so don't be strangers! -Andrea ( )
P.S. Yes, I have become a lot better at cooking... haven't burned anything in almost a year!
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