i'm not gonna front, this is really freaking hard. the past few days have been so much better than i thought they were going to be - got so much done and had a good time and just really loved being with the girls who i have been missing so much the last few weeks. it was so fun to see how much they've learned. like saida, learned how to climb stuff which is, like, a pain in the a** but wow! she's climbing! and hilina can stand up from sitting on the stoop! huge! but both the girls woke up in bad moods this morning and i was like, holy mackrel this bites the big one. if you have kids you know how eternal a tantrum can seem and how it's hard to see past the end of your nose in that moment. i realize that i am so lucky. that my life affords me to stay home with my beautiful children and that if you had asked me 5 years ago what i would want to be doing this is it. but that doesn't make you feel like less of a broken record when you say for the upteenth million time to not touch the baby. seriously, does anyone have a remedy for this? they are just curious but too rough and it's almost like i can't set him down anywhere but his crib unless i sit right there and say don't touch the baby over and over. they don't get tired and go find something else to play with. yet.
let's move on, shall we?...anywho, paige had asked how i get hilina's hair looking so cute. the answer is... I have great friends who do it for me. :) she is very tender headed, and has so much beautiful hair that about all i can manage are the poofs. i understand braiding in theory, and practice on my own hair. but i have to relearn to braid because it's upside down from how i learned. and you have to start with such small pieces that with a wiggly baby - i drop it as soon as i start! so hopefully as they get older and can sit still longer, i can take credit. until then i'll keep relying on the kindness of my friends. something i can do? take braids out. here's h getting her braids taken out.

pretty awesome, huh?
and here's my first outing with all 3

judah's first trip to the market - he was thrilled

and just because...

i know i'm short on pictures of the girls lately, but never you fear, now that i am back with them full time, there will be more equal billing.
Been there! I either wore the baby or put it in the other room with the door closed or up in the crib. Especially with active crawlers, climbers- doesn't take long before they are up on the counters, couch, table, trying to 'help the baby down' (from it's secure place strapped in a car seat or such...). Hang tight!
anna, i cant believe how strong and energetic you are! oh and let's not forget beautiful. now that i've jumped the wagon and followed your footsteps, you've inspired me to create my own blog. hang in there and i'll be visiting you soon!
love, hataha
1 year olds are incapable of self-control, so yes, wear the baby. or you could set up a small crib/pack n'play in the livingroom or playroom so that you can easily and safely put him down when the others start crawling into trouble, or start pulling things down on their heads. even if he cries sometimes, safety is most important and one person cannot possibly monitor three little people for every second of the day. good luck!
I use a spray bottle of water with the cat. Maybe it also works with toddlers.
Now there's one hippie momma if I've ever seen one. Such beautiful children AND beautiful apparel (I heart your skirt)!
good to know that I'm not a complete and total slacker about Meklit's hair--I couldn't beleive you wre finding the time to wrangle three small peeps and doing fabulous hair to boot--glad to know it's all a front, a beautiful beautiful front! Seriously, I'm in awe--you are outside with three small people and no one seems to be crying--go Anna!!!!
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