this morning i got off the train at 77th and walked straight into labor and delivery before i realized i was in the wrong building. i know. wishful thinking. long story short the wee lad is ready to go - turned back around to the right position, 3 centimeters, something was bulging which she said was a positive sign, all the good stuff. so she stripped my membranes which ow, doesn't feel good at all, and if i don't go tonight on my own, she's going to break my water after we put the pancakes to bed tomorrow night. all that to say, at the very latest we'll have a little mushy baby on saturday. it seems SO surreal. after thinking about him for months and month and months we finally get to meet him. i hope he has long pretty fingers like his dad. and the thomas blue eyes which are so beautiful and i hope he is as funny as i am. when we were at this stage with saida and hilina, on a flight somewhere over one of the four continents we traveled across to meet them, it was christmas eve. sigh. i am feeling so lucky right now.
here is the last belly picture - 40 weeks, 3 days.

if you can pray that all goes well, and that the girls do okay we would be so grateful. even though i know they will be with my mom it will be so hard for me to be away from them, i've never been away from them for more than a few waking hours.
now it's time for me to go clean some corners again.
We'll be praying!! Can't wait to see you new family pictures!
Me too!
Sending lots of love and prayers your way
YEA, BABY! I have been checking your blog like some kind of batty stalker for news. (Being unemployed can turn a girl crazy.) I'm really excited for you and your family. Like I said before, I hope little Benny accidentally falls out on your way into the hospital (onto something soft, of course) and that you're back home with your girls before you know it. Good luck! (And membrane stripping sounds AWFUL! Sorry about that one.)
Good luck! I love all your pictures and can't wait to see pictures of Benny.
God are in our prayers
YAY!!! Good luck! Fast and painless labor vibes going your way.
Anna, that is exactly how each of my labors started...the membrane stripping is effective when you are "ripe". I was in labor within 24 hours after that little number and had a baby within the next day with no other induction help....I'll pray that yours goes as well or even better than mine did. God bless you!
YEAH!!! I'll be thinking about you and praying for you! -Erin
He is shaped like a bullet and will fly out without pain...there's our 2 cents worth at least. Can't wait to meet the new Brooklyn'r!
rock n roll. do it.
You two are in great hands at the hospital with doc Michel and Lanice, and your little pancakes are in great hands with your mom and the rest of the block looking out for them at home. You're gonna show labor who's boss! Cherish those first few hours with your little boy. You'll be home soon enough and then the adventure really begins.
ok, that's enough unsolicited advice for now. I love you guys.
Can't wait! You'll be in our thoughts that things go smoothly and that sweet little boy is in your ARMS in no time... time to give that belly a rest! It looks like your baby weight is ALL in the belly! :-D So cute!
Can't wait to see pancake number 3. I'm thinking of you (and I'll tell everyone at the EOR board meeting and dessert party how things are going). That's a pretty big team pulling for you.
Amid all the unpleasantness that is the childbirth process, I pray that you and Ben are able to welcome your new boy with great joy and awe. And I pray for the girls too, that they will be able to deal with mommy's newborn-baby haze. Can't wait to read the good news!
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